5 Ways to do Pranayama and its benefits.
Pathanjali Maharshi, the father of the yoga mentioned that you simply throw the air out (exhale), and draw it in (inhale) and hold it for some time. This breathing activity makes your mind calmer. Later on, this practice is evolved as a science called Pranayama.
Maharshi Patanjali does not give many distinct directions on Pranayama. later other Yogis has given more ways on it and made of it a great science.
Prana is not the breath, But that which causes the motion of the breath, that which is the energy of the breath is the Prana. The world Prana used of all the senses.
The Chitta, the mind-stuff, is the powerhouse which draws in the Prana from surroundings and manufactures out of this Prana the various vital forces. First of all the forces that keep the body preservation, and thought, will, and all other powers.
Types of Pranayama
- Chandra Anuloma Viloma / Surya Anuloma Viloma
- Chandra Bedha / Surya Bedha
- Bastrika
- Bramari
- Kapalabathi
How to perform all these pranayamas recorded in the video form to follow easily. Before performing activity please go through the video Introduction to Yoga.
Chandra Anuloma Viloma / Surya Anuloma
Chandra Bedha / Surya Bedha
Benefits of Pranayama
- Lungs breathing capacity will be improved. That means they can distribute more oxygen to the body.
- With practice you can control all the motions in the body.
- Improves nerves functionality.
- Helps to strengthen spine structure.
- Keep you active and make you adaptable for new things.
- Improves body metabolism. Relief from stress or anxiety.
- The brain works actively, a way for positive thoughts.
You would like to learn more on yoga, please go through beginners stuff and its series 1,2,3.