5 Ways to do Pranayama and its benefits.
Pranayama Pathanjali Maharshi, the father of the yoga mentioned that you simply throw the air out (exhale), and draw it in (inhale) and hold it for some time. This breathing activity makes your mind calmer. Later on, this practice is evolved as a…
Find the root cause for your overweight!
Overweight and Obesity what is the difference? The WHO had given a definition based on Body to Mass Index (BMI), it is an index of weight-for-height. BMI = Weight in Kilogram (kg)/ Height in square meters (m2) If BMI is…
Back pain? know 5 reasons to fix it!
Back Pain Back pain is one of the most frequent health issues among the people 8 out of the 10. It is the third most common reason to visits the doctor’s office in the US and Indians also living in…
Yoga beginner’s body loosening exercises Part-3
Body loosening exercises. This is the third part in this series with three demo videos. Sitting exercises for sole, foot, ankle, knee and join flexibility. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynS_uWXl0rk 2. Sitting exercises with complete body movement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4nxlW_ekp8 3. Sitting exercises with…
3 ways to strengthen your lungs to face Corona.
Lungs are closet organ which is connected to the external world and the air we breathe circulates to our body gives us strength and life. It does not work properly or stop functioning means a threat to life. Coronavirus damages…
Yoga beginner’s body loosening exercise Part-2
In the part-1, we have learnt few body loosening exercises and more exercises are covered in this post. Here introducing with body stretch and abdominal related exercises. If you are new to stretch exercises, starting it may be difficult to…
Yoga beginner’s body loosening exercise Part-1
Yoga importance World identified the importance of Yoga and declared 21st Jun as International Day of Yoga, It is a physical, mental and spiritual practice which is originated from India. it is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. Health is…
Top 6 health benefits of Bitter Gourd!
Bitter Gourd Bitter gourd or Bitter melon or Karela originated from India later it was introduced in China. It is having many names in other languages. It has widely grown in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. It has many varieties…
COVID-19 anxiety and Its boost to Coronavirus.
Anxiety /Stress Anxiety or Stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension that can be result of some event. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your…