![Lets kill Covid-19! Covid-19](https://ilivepoly.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/corona-4942823_640-1.png)
Lets kill Covid-19!
![Lets kill Covid-19! Covid-19](https://ilivepoly.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/corona-4942823_640-1.png)
Covid 19 – Impact
Many of us now have the habit of checking daily Corona case numbers and their impact locally. Global cases have already surpassed 7 million, with a recovery rate of over 48%, which is a positive sign in the fight against the virus. However, the death rate still exceeds 5% of the total cases.
![Lets kill Covid-19! Covid-19 Pie Chart Stats](https://ilivepoly.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/pieupload-1-232x300.png)
On the same front recovery rate in India is 48% and death rate is less than 3% as of today, this indicates that death rate in India is almost 2% less that of world Corona deaths an average, it is due to many factors. Below chart shows increase of cases in India since March 2020 to till date.
During the lock down the raise of cases in India were less. Lock-down period was not only a step to prevent Corona spread, also we can treat it as learning phase for everyone to take minimum precautions to face Corona. Now many exemptions are given for lock-down to provide ease climate for all business activities. Now no.of Coronavirus cases are crossed 226K.
We can see multi fold in increase of Corona cases if same trend continuous in near future and we may occupy first or second place in the world Corona Cases, still no need to get panic.
![Lets kill Covid-19! Covid-19 Bar Chart Stats](https://ilivepoly.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IndiaCount-1.png)
Covid 19 & Lock Down
In most of the countries lock-down was lifted or continuing with minimum restrictions or with certain guidelines. Continue with lock-down is not feasible in long run for any government on economic front and also many governments are not in the position to take care of their citizens without revenue generation. Its more difficult task for the developed countries like our country to address all the amenities in the hospitals to treat Coronavirus patients in par with increase of cases.
While cases were less all the suspected patients are quarantined for 14 days, later due to increase of suspects government started 14 days stamping on suspects, suggested them to undergo home quarantine and they had monitored with health department staff. As the real cases are increasing, hospitals cannot accommodate or treat all the patients.
Now government has taken steps to maintain quarantine in patient’s locality and then further its made limited to home quarantine. Slowly steps are initiating that, treatment will be provided for only critical Corona patients at hospitals. These all are emerging scenarios indicates that, it is individual responsibility take care of themselves against world pandemic COVID-19 under government guidelines.
![Lets kill Covid-19! Covid-19 Line Chart Stats](https://ilivepoly.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/22-1-1.jpg)
Food Content
Rarely Corona alone kills a person, unless its join hands with other existing diseases in the body. Once situation comes then only we can find some diseases in our body. At the end its matter of money, time, future and family. At this juncture not only a matter of taking precautionary measures, now significant measure is how quickly we recover in case of Coronavirus attacks though death is not a destiny, that depends on our body immunity.
Lets include below items in our food to improve body immunity and make it as regular practice.
- Ensure that your food having protein content like Brown rice, Wheat, Oats, pulses, grains, beans etc.
- Fresh Fruits, Capsicum, Caret, Beetroot, Brinjal, Lemon and Orange.
- Do not preserve meat along with vegetables, have skinless chicken, fish, egg white, dry fruits for more proteins.
- Add Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric and Tulsi leaves these are the natural antivirus supplements which improves body immunity.
- Keep away from soft drinks, butter, palm oil and junk food which made from Maida.
- Do not take non-veg food frequently. Smoking and drinking affects our immune system and health.
![Lets kill Covid-19! Covid-19 Remedies](https://ilivepoly.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/covid-19-4948132_640-1.jpg)
Daily go for walk or jog in non-crowded area, start doing workouts at home or on terrace least for a 30 minutes in the morning or evening. It is not only help us improve body state, also make us mentally strong. All these are not only safeguarding us from Coronavirus, we can fight with any other virus too. Its never be a panic situation if we are in right direction with necessary measures.
Very helpful information , Thanks
Excellent presentation of info
Very use & helpful information