Satisfied in your way? .. if yes or no why?

Before the move to satisfied, one should distinguish satisfaction and happiness. Some times these two words will be used interchangeably. But these two are different concepts.
Satisfaction not linked with your joy or cry. Happiness is a specific moment, immediate and short, whereas satisfaction is a general feeling in your life. Satisfaction linked to many domains in your life like education, job, friends, relation, marriage, romance, health, wealth etc and particularly with your attitude. Satisfaction is a stable state but your happiness leads to exciting or cry. One can measure your happiness but your satisfaction cannot be measured.
“Life satisfaction is the degree to which a person positively evaluates the overall quality of his/her life as a whole. In other words, how much the person likes the life he/she leads” — Ruut Veenhoven.
The foremost fact is the satisfaction is internal to you concerning any circumstances. you are the sole owner of your satisfaction and you can only experience the whole. Your surrounding or any relation can’t experience your internal feelings.
Your income, age, living and other amenities will not keep you in the stable state – satisfied.
This is the incomparable state with others mean first of all you stop comparing yourself with others in any aspect. Every personality is unique. Then follow or review what kind of characteristics makes you satisfied.
You should have an honest estimation of your abilities and efforts. Do not underestimate or overestimate. The same principle you can apply in your surrounding, accept the facts and check what you deserve. Then you can able to accept success or failure or neutral, at the end your internal spirit will not end with frustration or excitement.
Once you know your strengths, then use them in the right way. Your rational thoughts are much matter to execute your duties. Do not except favor beyond your limits. Be proactive in the tasks which you can complete and which is required for your growth. If you are thinking and spending more time on other matters, mean it just unnecessary tasks with no end. Do not be reactive to unnecessary matters at the end your brain feel restless. Check what is your duty what not?
You should have a hobby of think about yourself not mean as selfish. You may or may not get a return for what you did, but appreciation more than the return. You should acknowledge yourself for any kind of achievement in the form of thankfulness. Spend time with your inner soul and talk only concerning you (‘I’).
This has the main contribution to your satisfaction. You are a simple person mean you can adjust any situation with less damage. It does not mean that you do not have goals in your life. Your lifestyle will be simple, flexible and practical. You are a simple mean in one or many ways you have clarity on the current world in the right direction! Then you can estimate what is next.
Care Your Body:
The known fact is your mental health depends on your body condition. The body is not only for usage till it dies. It requires care as well. You should thank full to your body and its service. Make a practice of doing exercises or yoga, Pranayama regularly and keep your body fit and strong. When you are active with physical strength, your thoughts will be healthy.
Your past is the base for the present that not mean that dig into your past, drag your misfortunes to present and live in that. Consider success, failure, mistakes or just experience in your past as a strength, commemorate your sweet memories that give a pleasant mind and balanced view. A person never alone your past always with you learn from your past then build present.
Positive thinking:
When you are mentally strong next you can able to accept any results without disappointment, you will lead your duties with hope further. This kind of attitude indicates that you have positive thinking. This nature makes you keep negatives aside and you can ready to face more than your abilities. You can dream big and witness success. You can influence your surrounding with your motivation and guidance. Challenges take you to a more satisfying world or satisfied.
Once you understand yourself honestly means you can understand others as well because the same views you can apply to others. Understanding not just limited to a person, it’s extended to the environment, circumstances and also your religious beliefs. Understanding not in theory, it should be in practice then your external expectations will be less, you become truly confident and you are in the path of rational.
Clarity on life:
This topic is an extension to your understanding or you can treat this as spiritual if you belong to any religion or no religion the fact is you were born, then you die one day. you got your body and lost your body in simple words it is not permanent. Material life may give you happiness, not satisfaction. Then what lasts with in you (‘I’) or life (to feel yourself) is satisfaction. Create a constructive mindset for your uninterrupted feel for peace.

Follow or Review on Satisfied?
Bring most of the mentioned things above into your practice and make it a hobby, no hurry. The result is a mix of all and how you balance rest. Your satisfaction is not instant, it’s in-depth, not apparent, your qualities, and acceptance in your way.